In the COVID-19 Era, we are all facing a new reality when it comes to cleanliness and hand washing. Admittedly, we are used to Springtime Cleaning, but COVID-19 has us taking extra precautions to reduce our risk of exposure.
While we are always diligent when it comes to cleaning, disinfecting, and workplace safety, we have implemented additional processes that are the primary focus of our management team. Examples of these actions include increasing bathroom sanitizing, and cleaning countertops, tables, chairs, and door handles frequently throughout the day.
When you have our auto repair team service your vehicle, we follow certain guidelines that reduce your risk of catching the virus:
- Our technicians will wear disposable gloves while working on the Interior & Exterior of your vehicle.
- We will wipe down the car keys of your vehicle. Plus, the interior steering wheel, dashboard and door handles will be sanitized before your vehicle is returned to you.
- All staff is required to wash hands multiple times throughout the day and after all interactions with customers.
But how should you sanitize your vehicle when you are at home? Many car owners are concerned about how to sanitize their vehicles without damaging the interior. Because we have some experience with this, Foreign Affairs Auto in West Palm Beach offers some helpful ideas about how to sanitize your vehicle at home.
- Begin by vacuuming out your vehicle. When you remove the dirt and grime first, your disinfecting efforts will work much better.
- Use soap, water, and a soft cloth to wipe down all of the touch points on the exterior and interior of your vehicle. Be sure to remove excess water so there is no pooling that could cause damage.
- If you have leather or cloth on the interior of your vehicle, be sure to use an alcohol solution that contains a minimum of 70% alcohol. With a few exceptions, you can clean nearly every surface on the vehicle’s interior with isopropyl alcohol.
- If you wish to go the extra mile, you can use an ozone generator on the inside of your vehicle. This device is available online and should kill the viruses and bacteria living there.
Our professional and highly skilled staff here at Foreign Affairs Auto in West Palm Beach is happy to service your family fleet of vehicles. We do our best to ensure that your cars are safe and running their best. Our priority is always you. We request that you schedule your appointment online in consideration of social distancing guidelines. We hope to see you soon!